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Blank Japanese practice sheets (49kb pdf)
A great way to test your ability to recall Hiragana and Katakana from memory, is to try writing the characters without any images for reference. If you're able to completely write the alphabets by hand, you'll be able to read them when you come across Hiragana or Katakana in Japanese writing.
Try using this blank Japanese practice sheet to test your memory. It's best to write out all of characters in order and when you come to a character that you can't remember, skip it and move on to the next one. When you finish the entire alphabet, you can see which characters you systematically forget.
It has been a long time since I've needed to practice Hiragana and Katakana. I've done so many of these sheets that there is no way I'll ever forget these characters. To read about my earlier experiences while learning Hiragana and Katakana, take a look at this old post: Think you know your Kana?
Download the
Blank Japanese practice sheets (49kb pdf)
If your not at this level yet, be sure to use these Hiragana and Katakana practice sheets. Or, if you think Kana are too basic, try Wired Kanji lesson 1.
Wired Kana - Blank Japanese Practice Sheets
learn japanese,
wired kana,
write japanese
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Wired Kana - Blank Japanese Practice Sheets
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