While learning the Japanese Language, I've often been asked if I know hiragana and katakana; It is a good way to measure a beginner Japanese learner's skill level. I would always answer that I knew my kana well; I knew the phonetic sounds and how to write Japanese characters on my computer.
Yet when I was asked by my Japanese tutor, Rio Sensei, who is thankfully very specific in regards to learning the Japanese language, I thought, no problem. Yet, there's a twist: write them out, by hand, without any reference. Fail. I knew how to write some of the characters, but many I simply drew a mental blank.
Thus, Rio provided me a handy sheet for practicing hiragana and katakana. Over my time learning Japanese, I've completed over 80 sheets of kana practice. That's approximately 12,300 individually written kana; does your arm hurt after that. This is over a time span of about five months now.
That said, there are a few pesky kana, particularly katakana, that I blank on. While the previous kana worksheets are great for learning form and order, I have devised a new work sheet to help with memorization; unaided recall.
This new sheet has no sample kana to sample from; it is just you and your memory. I like to stream through all the hiragana then katakana, in proper order, then start again on the next line. If I blank, I leave a space and move on. It's good for keeping track of the characters you forget.
Get the blank practice sheet here
Now I know that I frequently forget: め(me), も(mo) in hiragana and ヌ(nu), ネ(ne), メ(me), モ(mo), ル(ru), レ(re) in katakana.
What hiragana and katakana do you seem to always forget?
Think You Know Your Kana?
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Think You Know Your Kana?
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Kara · 815 weeks ago
I always confuse み and を when writing, but I usually get them right when reading. Go figure! ナ and テ get me, too.
ryanthewired 43p · 815 weeks ago
Some of them are silly, but attaching some visual or conceptual relation to the form of the characters, helps me when I'm in a bind.
for example, when initially looking at を(wo), it set me aback because of it intricacy in relation to other hiragana, thus a whoa, was appropriate.
also, て(te - hiragana) and テ(te - katakana) have a flat top surface, thus てぶる(teburu) - a table comes to mind.
I'm sure everyone has their own, equally odd or banal, memorizational relationships, if their so inclined to admit so.
Jamaipanese · 815 weeks ago
ryanthewired 43p · 815 weeks ago
モ(mo) is an interesting case, because it is a unique character. The way I rationale it, is that tripping up on メ(me) throws off the rhythm, subsequently flaking up モ(mo).
Yet what is interesting, is that the moment I remember メ(me), モ(mo) is near instantaneously recognized.
Everyone has their crux, which kana give you trouble?
ryanthewired 43p · 813 weeks ago
To remember も/モ I find that they look like an M stood on end. Also, both hiragana and katakana forms are similar in shape. That seems to help me visualize the characters when my thought gets a bit foggy.
Curt · 811 weeks ago
ryanthewired 43p · 811 weeks ago
ryanthewired 43p · 791 weeks ago
wrightak · 814 weeks ago
A good way to practice is to write normally in Japanese with a pen and paper. Japanese students do it too little I think. Whenever I make a small notes, I try to make a habit of doing so in Japanese rather than English. e.g. shopping lists, messages for people etc.
ryanthewired 43p · 814 weeks ago
DumbOtaku 44p · 814 weeks ago
Though i will say your way seems much better than mine. Mine was lots of memorization by looking until i could get it. Never thought about doing it on paper until after I had figured them all out. LOL.
And (ネ) ne is evil in katakana. Keep up the good work.
ryanthewired 43p · 814 weeks ago
Thanks for the encouragement. There's more training in the works; always is!
Kay · 791 weeks ago
I have trouble with many of the katakana, but never ネ. Not only does it so different from the others, but I see it all the time -- whenever the ネットワーク is down!
ryanthewired 43p · 791 weeks ago
Curt · 811 weeks ago
Japanese Words · 811 weeks ago
ryanthewired 43p · 811 weeks ago
みっち · 802 weeks ago
Long お(う)and え(い)→ おー、えー
And these two characters never look as they should
And some Kanji I confuse.
ryanthewired 43p · 802 weeks ago
Terra · 769 weeks ago
ryanthewired 43p · 769 weeks ago