Watch all the Japanese videos on my Youtube Channel.
It's a great way to practice your listening comprehension skills. It's helpful because you get to hear native speakers talking at full speed. Although, I can't say I understand much of it yet.
Some videos have subtitles, some don't, but I have found that if you give a video without subtitles a chance, there's a lot you can learn, even though you might not understand every word. The next time you run across a video in Japanese without subtitles, take a minute to watch the speakers expressions, mannerisms, and body language. You'll be amazed at how much you really know.
TetuL · 786 weeks ago
im studying japanese and believe that listening japanese songs and traducing them is very useful. i have listened a song of Popoyans and i like it. but i cant find its lyrics . maybe you can help me , can you ? the song is おとしもの .
ryanthewired 43p · 786 weeks ago
They're a good band, thanks for letting me know; a really beautiful song.
TetuL · 786 weeks ago