
How to Learn Japanese Vocabulary, Realistically

Often times language learning programs and learners themselves conflate 'practice' with 'learning'; the idea that one can effectively learn vocabulary by reading basic vocab list or flipping through some flashcards.

I've found that even textbooks rarely teach vocabulary, and teachers only sometimes take the time to really describe and explain a vocabulary item.

Thinking back on my experience in Japan, there is a natural process for learning a word that classes, textbooks, and flashcards rarely duplicate.

I've tried to break down the process to it's individual part and it goes something like this:
You hear someone say a word in a sentence that you don't understand. You ask them to repeat the sentence. You then repeat the unknown word back to them as a question. They isolate the word and repeat it back for you.
Then you ask them what it means. They try and describe it in their language. They give synonyms, descriptions, example sentences (you could say…). You still don't fully understand it, so they try saying the word in English, telling you what it means in your native language.
At that point, you have a pretty good grasp at what the word means, so you're able actually use the word in a sentence (making up a unique one of your own). And, at that point, you can have a conversation using that word as topic.

Here is a really simple example (hopefully you can follow the Japanese, otherwise a translation is provided below):

A: 私には猫がいます。
B: ねこ?
A: はい、猫。
B: 猫って何ですか。
A: 猫は動物です。猫は犬と反対のものです。たくさんの人がペットとして猫を飼っています。
A: 例えば「私は猫が好きです」と言うことができます。
A: 英語で猫は「cat」と言います。In English, 猫 means cat.
A: I have a cat. 私は猫を飼っています。
A: これは私の猫の写真です。
B: ああ、猫。わかります。
B: 私は黒猫を飼っています。名前は「Licorice」です。
B: あなたの猫の名前は何ですか。

A: I have a .
B: A ねこ?
A: Yes, a .
B: What is a ねこ?
A: A  is an animal. A  is the opposite of a dog. Many people keep  as pets.
A: For example, you can say "I like ".
A: The kanji for cat is "".
A: in English, a  is called "a cat". 英語で猫は「cat」と言います。
A: 私には猫がいます。I have a cat.
A: Here is a picture of my cat
B: Ah, a cat. I understand. 
B: I have a black cat. Its name is Licorice.
B: What is the name of your cat?

Through this conversation, you learn a new word from many different perspectives.
If you could somehow take this person-to-person process and apply it to individual vocabulary items in a self-study setting, you would have a significantly better understanding of the language and better retention rates, as the process activates a number of different ways of thinking.

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Hi :) I just wanted to say thank you so much for posting this! It's really helpful for me as I am trying to learn Japanese at the moment, hehe ^^
- ふじわらなつこ
When I read the conversation I busted out laughing. Thank good I'm not the only one doing that! I always feel stupid when I do it. For me, I always do that when I see a kanji I dont recognize when I'm out (I live in Japan), I ask friends for the meaning of the kanji because I learn it much better if I have a situation to associate it with. It's much better than trying to memorize it from a book.
1 reply · active 635 weeks ago
For kanji especially, it is nice to have a friend along who can tell you how to pronounce it. There have been so many times that I've already known what the word meant, but couldn't tell what it was because it was written in kanji. It's too bad not all kanji come with furigana.
I want to travel in Japan!! I like Japanese culture and anime.
Nice post! I agree that flipping through flashcards is not enough to learn a word. To truly learn a word, you have to understand everything about it, including the types of contexts the words could be used, what their nuances are, whether they're a colloquial or written term, etc. So it's ultimately better to learn in contexts.
From beginning I have used Anki to memorize Japanese new words.
I think it is pretty good for beginner.
But as the level go up, Anki is not efficient for me, so I think the best way is to read Japanese News everyday.

To begin with that you can try NEWS WEB EASY to read NHK news in simple version, which is supposed for Japanese Students (Primary & Secondary school) and Foreigner who want to learn Japanese.
As this is web version, if you have a Android phone then you can download this app to browse easier: Android Apps on Google Play
Ryan, It can be recommendable to learn Japanese online, these vocab list is very helpful. Thanks for sharing.
Symbiosis Institute of Indian and Foreign Languages (SIFIL) provides exhaustive courses in Japanese language with proficient faculty, advanced curriculum and updated course material. Any individual who wishes to develop command over Japanese to pursue a fulfilling career can avail these courses. These courses are well equipped to train a person for all 5 levels of the JLPT. SIFIL is part of renowned Symbiosis International University (SIU), Pune and it offers a wide range of courses in Indian as well as foreign languages at its Pune campus.

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